From Song
To Finish
Headphones on White Background

Let your songs be heard.

Be Heard.

Tired of starting songs you can’t seem to finish?

Love your lyrics but the melody is missing something? Love your melody, but lyrics aren’t flowing?

Can’t quite find that studio sound? Don’t play an instrument? Want to hear a professional vocalist sing your song? Always wanted to be a part of the production process? Blah, Blah, Blah, Blahhhhhh...


Record Player

Roll The Tape

Roundabout Way Studios combines the heart and soul of the songwriting process with the sweet satisfaction of finishing a song while simultaneously recording & producing those same songs into a professional record.

But what makes Roundabout Way Studios approach unique?


And price.

And the authenticity of a passionate, working producer. In a real studio.

From the convenience of your computer.

A Roundabout Way Experience

| est. 2001


Black Record Vinyl

A Roundabout Way Experience | est. 2001


Made Easy.

It’s all about the process...

1. Meet and Greet Consult

2. Choose Your Creative Plan &

Schedule Your Studio Sessions

3. Begin Your Custom Process

4. Write, Record, Edit, Mix, Print

5. Rinse and Repeat!


Close-Up Photo Of Vinyl Disc



My name is Brian Blake and I have an uncontrollable passion for writing and producing songs.

I’ve written thousands of songs, had 1,000+ TV/Film syncs and operate a boutique recording studio in Los Angeles, CA. I work across all genres and mediums and absolutely love what I do.

I liken the feeling of finishing a song to a child getting a new toy. That feeling never gets old.

As my process of writing and producing a song from out of the ether and into a completed product became efficient and smooth, it only made sense that this gift be shared with as many talented songwriters as possible.

This is your moment. I’m here to help you invest in yourself and your creations from song to finish.

Music Equipment and Gadgets

Each and every songwriter is unique to themselves and requires a different method to unlock their own, special musical magic.

Beginner Session (1 Session/Month)

Pro Sessions (2 Sessions/Month)

Master Sessions (4 Session/Month)

Ultimate Sessions (2 Session/Month, 6 months)

Influencer Sessions (6 Sessions)

A La Carte: Advanced Production, Professional Vocalists, Live Instruments, Revisions, etc.



Studio Podcast Microphone on White Background

From Song to Finish

Beginner Session | 1 Session

Longing for the opportunity to hear your songs workshopped and recorded professionally?

This is a perfect way to kickstart your creativity and hear the possibilities of your musical ideas brought to life.

Within your 90 minute session, you’ll work through options on a song or two and have them produced, recorded and mixed simultaneously just like being in the recording studio in person.


acoustic guitar

From Song to Finish


Pro Session | 2 Sessions/Month

Just like with Beginner Session, you’ll be workshopping your songs and recording them at the same time.

In your 2 sessions, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to continue breaking down songs from your first session, or move on and work on others.

There’s no right or wrong answer, this is your creative expression and it’s my job to help foster that for you.

Bass Guitar Sunburst

Master Session | 4 Sessions/Month

Similar to the Pro Session, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to continue breaking down songs from your previous sessions or keep churning others from your library.

Either way, we get to seriously examine your songs and begin getting a real sense of your style as a writer, lyricist and producer.


White and Black Piano Keys

From Song to Finish

Ultimate Session |

2 Sessions/Month for 6 Months

With the ultimate session, we get a chance to plan ahead and come up with a strategy over the next 6 months that will aim toward a specific goal.

Maybe you’d like to develop an EP to release as an artist or want to build a portfolio for marketing your songwriting skills. Perhaps you just want to see what it feels like to have dedicated songwriting time for the first time.

Whatever the case may be, this is a great way to grow as a songwriter with intention.


Mixing Board

From Song to Finish

Influencer Session | 6 Sessions (As Needed)

As an influencer, you’re looking to develop material for release as quickly as possible.

We will come in with a plan of a attack to cruise through the writing and recording process at a quick clip so as to come away from these sessions with a boat load of pro recordings that are ready to be heard by the masses.

The objective is simple. Quantity with studio quality sound.


Mixing Board

From Song to Finish

A La Carte | (Pricing May Vary)

It’s possible at the end of the day that you’ll want to hear some songs with an advanced production, professional vocalist, live drums or edited, revised, remixed or mastered.

There’s an endless amount of options and you’ll be able to choose what you want, when you want it, whenever and however it makes sense for you.

Advanced Production

Pro Vocals

Live Drums

Various Live Instruments


Master: $50


Liner Notes

Songwriting is a delicate and deeply personal human artform that requires accessing our innermost feelings and some likely uncomfortable subjects specific to each individual writer.

Sessions are built on trust, unapologetic open-mindedness and self-awareness. The ability of a songwriter to tap into their emotions and translate them into song is an emotional muscle that needs to be flexed and nurtured with patience and understanding.

I swear by my process and wouldn’t be me without it. The journey from song inception to recording is magical, while the importance of your gift and ability to help people relate to your life experience through music is priceless.

A Roundabout Way Experience

| est. 2001


From Song
To Finish

A Roundabout Way Experience | est. 2001